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Displaying 13851 - 13900 of 17994
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14.2 Retrospective and Proof of Concept Options / Action 0201 (19 May 2021) pptx 271.05 KB Related file
Minutes DSC Contract Management Committee (23 June 2021) pdf 266.57 KB Related file
Agenda DSC Contract Management Committee (08 June 2021) pdf 124.81 KB Related file
1.6 Action 0501 - List of outstanding Changes (16 June 2021) xlsx 24.02 KB Related file
3.4 Presentation - DSC Class 1 Read Service Supporting Document (1 of 2) (08 June 2021) pptx 320 KB Related file
3.4 DSC Class 1 Read Service Supporting Document (2 of 2) Amended (08 June 2021) docx 74.38 KB Related file
3.5 Data Permissions Matrix - Conditionality Document - RECCo 5.0 (Updated 17 June 2021) docx 89.03 KB Related file
3.5 Disclosure Request Report - CoMC - XRN5352 Adding the RECCo as a new user type to the DPM v1.1 (Updated 17 June 2021) docx 189.11 KB Related file
3.5 RECCo DRR update (supporting document (08 June 2021) xlsm 61.07 KB Related file
3.6 CMS Rebuild Update CoMC June V1 (08 June 2021) pptx 250.55 KB Related file
5. REC Update (08 June 2021) pptx 500.55 KB Related file
7.1 KPM Update (Post Meeting Update 22 June 2021) pptx 455.78 KB Related file
7.1 KPM Update (late paper 11 June 2021) pptx 460.9 KB Related file
7.2 Contract Metrics June CoMC (08 June 2021) xlsx 1.33 MB Related file
7.3 Correla Incident Summary (08 June 2021) pptx 288.49 KB Related file
7.4.1 Customer Issue Management Dashboard COMC June 2021 (08 June 2021) pptx 427.73 KB Related file
8. CSSC Programme Dashboard June 21 (08 June 2021) pptx 1.06 MB Related file
13.1 DSC Change Management Committee update (late paper) (11 June 2021) docx 77.39 KB Related file
Completed Action 0501 Extract from Change Register 1 - to include Modification refs (28 July 2021) xlsx 33.38 KB Related file
Minutes DSC Contract Management Committee (30 July 2021) pdf 305.25 KB Related file
Agenda DSC Contract Management Committee (13 July 2021) pdf 119.79 KB Related file
Agenda DSC Contract Management Committee (Amended 16 July 2021) pdf 121.34 KB Related file
Draft Agenda DSC Contract Management Committee (23 June 2021) pdf 66.39 KB Related file
1.6 Action 0501 - List of outstanding changes (17 June 2021) xlsx 24.03 KB Related file
3.1 XRN 5183 (13 July 2021) pptx 253.9 KB Related file
3.2 Data Permissions Matrix - Conditionality Document - Supporting Document (13 July 2021) docx 91.69 KB Related file
3.2 Allowing the REC Performance Assurance Code Manager (RPA) access to the data via the DPM (1 of 2) (13 July 2021) docx 194.06 KB Related file
3.2 Data Permissions Matrix RECCo DRR Update (2 of 2) (13 July 2021) xlsm 61.09 KB Related file
3.3 XRN5381 Changes to SDT (13 July 2021) docx 258.43 KB Related file
5.0 Retail Energy Code Update (13 July 2021) pptx 501.88 KB Related file
5.0 REC Update (amended post meeting) (21 July 2021) pdf 402.32 KB Related file
7.1 KPM Update (late paper 15 July 2021) pptx 455.39 KB Related file
7.2 Q1 2021-22 KVM Relationship Management Update (13 July 2021) pptx 683.12 KB Related file
7.3 Contract Metrics July (13 July 2021) xlsx 1.34 MB Related file
7.4 Xoserve Incident Summary (13 July 2021) pptx 329.65 KB Related file
7.5.1 Customer Issue Management Dashboard (13 July 2021) pptx 398.6 KB Related file
7.6 Quarterly Invoicing update July 2021 (Late Paper 16 July 2021) pptx 2.95 MB Related file
8. CSSC Programme Dashboard (13 July 2021) pptx 1.03 MB Related file
14.1 Retro Options Paper Consultation Response Summary (13 July 2021) pptx 248.52 KB Related file
14.2 Issue Overview_Challenges to the data being supplied by Xoserve to the DCC for charging purposes (13 July 2021) pptx 260.22 KB Related file
14.3 CMS Rebuild Update (13 July 2021) pptx 386.93 KB Related file
Minutes DSC Contract Management Committee (24 August 2021) pdf 293.5 KB Related file
Agenda DSC Contract Management Committee (amended) (13 August 2021) pdf 96.88 KB Related file
3.1 Access to Daily Bio-methane injections XRN5183 (10 August 2021) pptx 247.83 KB Related file
3.2 Data Permissions Matrix - Conditionality Document AltHan-Co (10 August 2021) docx 89.71 KB Related file
3.3 Market Domain Data Market Participant Identity Verification Approach Document (10 August 2021) docx 129.64 KB Related file
5.0 DSC CoMC REC Update (10 August 2021) pptx 503.84 KB Related file
6.1 Class 1 Read Service Procurement Exercise (10 August 2021) pptx 246.17 KB Related file
7.1 KPM Update (11 August 2021) pptx 455.24 KB Related file
7.1 KPM Update (amended) (13 August 2021) pdf 398.48 KB Related file