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Cadent Gas Indicative Notice of LDZ Transportation Charges from 01 April 2024 (27 October 2023) pdf 423.69 KB Related file
SGN Scotland Indicative Notice of LDZ Transportation Charges 1st April 2024 (31 October 2023) pdf 361.83 KB Related file
SGN Southern Indicative Notice of LDZ Transportation Charges 1st April 2024 (31 October 2023) pdf 354.16 KB Related file
0849R Request (09 May 2023) pdf 438.99 KB Modification Report
6.3 Key ChMC and Change Pack dates 2023 for Decision (31 October 2023) pdf 94.31 KB Related file
6.2 KVI Q2 2023 (31 October 2023) pdf 210.62 KB Related file
6.1 DSG Summary (31 October 2023) pdf 141.23 KB Related file
5.1 CMS Rebuild Nov 23 (31 October 2023) pdf 221.76 KB Related file
4.10 DDP November Update (31 October 2023) pdf 186.89 KB Related file
4.9 XRN5564 Gemini Sustain Plus (31 October 2023) pdf 129.86 KB Related file
4.8 XRN5629 November 23 Major Release (31 October 2023) pdf 129.13 KB Related file
4.7 XRN5647 Minor Release 11 (31 October 2023) pdf 120.11 KB Related file
4.6 XRN5682 - Feb 24 Major Release (31 October 2023) pdf 142.59 KB Related file
0900 Modification 0900 Test (31 October 2023) S pdf 220.7 KB Modification Report
4.5 June 24 Major Release scope for approval (31 October 2023) pdf 147.02 KB Related file
4.4 CCR for XRN5647 Minor Release (31 October 2023) pdf 83.93 KB Related file
4.3 CCR for XRN5565 EPG (31 October 2023) pdf 130.58 KB Related file
4.2 CCR for XRN5652 (31 October 2023) pdf 88.91 KB Related file
4.1 CCR for XRN5641 (31 October 2023) pdf 91.2 KB Related file
3.4 XRN 5700 N3.4 XRN 5700 New Service Line to support the Provision of the Off Gas Postcode Register (31 October 2023) pdf 140.36 KB Related file
3.3 XRN5702 Update to assess the replacement of Facsimile as a form of communication (31 October 2023) pdf 114.22 KB Related file
2.3 REC Slides (31 October 2023) pdf 345.79 KB Related file
2.2 Nov23 Change Pipeline (31 October 2023) pdf 248.86 KB Related file
Why is there not a link to add Modification S pdf 220.7 KB Modification Report
2.1 General Change Budget Update November 2023 (31 October 2023) pdf 176.73 KB Related file
Change Management Presentation (31 October 2023) pdf 1015.95 KB Related file
0831 Final Modification Report 0831 0831A (31 October 2023) pdf 2.04 MB Modification Report
0857 Non-Transmission Services Reforms 0857 Slides (31 October 2023) pdf 305.32 KB Modification Report
0857 0857 Slides for Additional Information (31 October 2023) pdf 417.43 KB Modification Report
0857 0857 Explanatory Table for Legal Text (31 October 2023) pdf 61.98 KB Modification Report
0857 Legal Text Tracked Changes 0857 (31 October 2023) pdf 105.44 KB Modification Report
0856 Modification change marked (30 October 2023) pdf 315.64 KB Modification Report
0856 Modification (30 October 2023) pdf 287.88 KB Modification Report
Agenda 0849R (30 October 2023) pdf 72.54 KB Related file
Agenda DSC Credit Committee (30 October 2023) pdf 109.27 KB Related file
Agenda Shrinkage (30 October 2023) pdf 31.62 KB Related file
Agenda EBCC (30 October 2023) pdf 44.47 KB Related file
ROM Response UNC 0841_A Post-October WG change marked (30 October 2023) pdf 183.76 KB Related file
ROM Response UNC 0841_A Post-October WG Clean (30 October 2023) pdf 167.66 KB Related file
0841A guidance - change marked draft changes (30 October 2023) pdf 197.52 KB Related file
Modification 0841A change marked draft changes (30 October 2023) pdf 661.49 KB Related file
0863 Modification pdf 220.7 KB Modification Report
0861 Modification pdf 249.52 KB Modification Report
Agenda IGTAD Sub-Committee (27 October 2023) pdf 28.24 KB Related file
7.0 H100 Fife Industry Engagement Regulatory Discussion Topics –Metering, Billing & Data Flows pdf 3.31 MB Related file
6.0 IGTAD - Live Modifications with potential IGT impact - updated 23 October 2023 xlsx 22.58 KB Related file
Minutes IGTAD Committee (27 October) pdf 145.97 KB Related file
Agenda IGTAD Sub-Committee (06 October 2023) pdf 145.97 KB Related file
Invitation to participate in the RMTISSEC for Capacity period October 2023 (29 August 2023) pdf 94.14 KB Related file
Rolling Monthly Trade Invitation for Surrender System Entry Capacity (RMTISSEC) December 2023 (27 October 2023) pdf 112.41 KB Related file