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Displaying 6551 - 6600 of 18000
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2.2 Oct23 Change Pipeline (03 October 2023) pdf 250.76 KB Related file
2.1 General Change Budget Update (03 October 2023) pdf 1013.85 KB Related file
2.0 ChMC 11th October Presentation (03 October 2023) pdf 126.82 KB Related file
Agenda DSC Change Management Committee (03 October 2023) pdf 105.14 KB Related file
5. Product Class 2 Capacity (deferred from July) (23 August 2023) pdf 283.65 KB Related file
4. Distribution Workgroup Change Horizon (23 August 2023) (Late Paper) pdf 112.57 KB Related file
Distribution Workgroup Agenda (23 August 2023) pdf 123.81 KB Related file
Consolidated Minutes - Amended (03 October 2023) pdf 431.27 KB Related file
ROM Response 0819 (30 August 2023) pdf 231.58 KB Related file
Agenda 0819 (15 August 2023) pdf 82.31 KB Related file
0819 Minutes - Amended (03 October 2023) pdf 190.26 KB Related file
Mod 0852 - NGT Initial Representation (Late Submission 03 October 2023) pdf 83.82 KB Related file
Agenda 0852S (17 August 2023) pdf 25.68 KB Related file
0852S Mod 0852 - NGT Initial Representation (Late Submission 03 October 2023) pdf 83.82 KB Modification Report
0852S Workgroup Individual Terms of Reference (31 August 2023) pdf 53.31 KB Modification Report
0852S Modification (25 July 2023) pdf 264.08 KB Modification Report
IGTAD Committee Terms of Reference (24 October 2022) pdf 76.64 KB Related file
Rolling Monthly Trade and Transfer System Entry Capacity (RMTNTSEC) October 2023( 04 September 2023) pdf 80.39 KB Related file
Rolling Monthly Trade Invitation for Surrender System Entry Capacity - November 2023(28 September 2023) pdf 102.69 KB Related file
Invitation to participate in the RMTISSEC auction for Capacity period November 2023 (03 October 2023 pdf 81.41 KB Related file
Standards of Service Liabilities Report August 2023 (for information only) (29 September 2023) xlsx 60.72 KB Related file
Revision to the Determination of Non-Transmission Services Gas Year Target Revenue presentation (updated - 02 October 2023) pdf 481.6 KB Related file
Agenda 0857 (22 September 2023) pdf 28.5 KB Related file
0819 ROM (29 September 2023) pdf 250.41 KB Modification Report
0819 0819 Legal Text Explanatory table (28 September 2023) pdf 103.82 KB Modification Report
0819 0819 Legal Text - Tracked Changes (28 September 2023) pdf 137.42 KB Modification Report
0819 0819 Legal Text (28 September 2023) pdf 115.22 KB Modification Report
0819 0819 Appendix 1 - Vacant Site Guidance Document - Tracked Changes (29 September 2023) pdf 196.05 KB Modification Report
0819 Modification - Consolidated w/Appendices (29 September 2023) pdf 953.31 KB Modification Report
AUGE Early Engagement Presentation (28 September 2023) pdf 1.11 MB Related file
Agenda AUG Sub-Committee (30 August 2023) pdf 23.77 KB Related file
Minutes AUG Sub Committee (29 September 2023) pdf 166.65 KB Related file
Modification 0856 - Introduction of Trials for System Management Presentation (updated 29 September 2023) pdf 438.77 KB Related file
Agenda 0856 (22 September 2023) pdf 27.55 KB Related file
Gas Transmission Transportation Charges October 2023 (29 September 2023) pdf 1.23 MB Related file
Approved Urgent Proposals Guidelines pdf 31.37 KB Related file
UNC Modification Process High Level pdf 80.08 KB Related file
UNC Workgroup Standard Terms of Reference pdf 130.25 KB Related file
UNC Issues Register (PDF version 09 November 2021) pdf 66.54 KB Related file
UNC Issues Register (09 November 2021) xlsx 37.3 KB Related file
Authority Direction / Self Governance Materiality Guidance (21 May 2021) pdf 108.54 KB Related file
Ofgem Guidance on Code Modification Urgency Criteria (17 February 2016) pdf 94.98 KB Related file
Modification Register (PDF version 29 September 2023) pdf 1.02 MB Related file
Modification Register (29 September 2023) xlsm 267.68 KB Related file
0841 Modification 0841A Business Plan Information Rules (28 September 2023) pdf 125.55 KB Modification Report
0841 Modification 0841A Business Plan Information Rules - change marked (28 September 2023) pdf 173.99 KB Modification Report
0841 Modification 0841 Business Plan Information Rules (31 July 2023) pdf 141.95 KB Modification Report
0841 Modification 0841 (Marked Changes 31 July 2023) pdf 703.02 KB Modification Report
0841 Modification 0841 (31 July 2023) pdf 486.73 KB Modification Report
0841 Modification 0841A change marked (28 September 2023) pdf 547.55 KB Modification Report