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PARRS Report - clean (12 May 2021) pdf 947.24 KB Related file
PARRS Report - tracked (12 May 2021) pdf 993.13 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 209 (20 April 2021) pdf 136.72 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 209 (07 April 2021) pdf 111.5 KB Related file
209.5a UNCC AUGS Approval Presentation (07 April 2021) pdf 341.69 KB Related file
09.5a i Amended AUG Table proposed by Gazprom (07 April 2021) pdf 82 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 208 (23 March 2021) pdf 139.94 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 208 (17 March 2021) pdf 115.48 KB Related file
207.5 c) PAC update – Product Class 4 monthly read performance - response to UNCC pdf 487.48 KB Related file
207.5 d) Offtake Workgroup Alrewas note for UNCC March 2021 pdf 139.87 KB Related file
207.5 d) Alrewas SMER Terms of Reference pdf 67.45 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 207 (23 February 2021) pdf 68.52 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 207 (18 February 2021) pdf 67.14 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 206 (amended 03 February 2021) pdf 186.48 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 206 (change marked - amended 03 February 2021) pdf 179.08 KB Related file
UNCC 206 Agenda (Amended) (19 January 2021) pdf 68.32 KB Related file
UNCC Minutes (24 November 2020) pdf 129.06 KB Related file
UNCC Agenda 19 November 2020 (11 November 2020) pdf 70.63 KB Related file
5a. PARR Update slides (11 November 2020) pdf 352.88 KB Related file
5a. Performance Assurance Report Registers (11 November 2020) pdf 838.64 KB Related file
5a. Performance Assurance Report Registers (change marked) (11 November 2020) pdf 858.37 KB Related file
5b. AUG Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (11 November 2020) pdf 165.94 KB Related file
5b. AUG Sub-Committee Terms of Reference (change marked) (11 November 2020) pdf 167.31 KB Related file
UNCC Minutes 15 October 2020 (19 October 2020) pdf 129.84 KB Related file
UNCC Agenda 15 October 2020 (07 October 2020) pdf 115.15 KB Related file
RDUG REC (07 October 2020) pdf 322.73 KB Related file
UNC Data Dictionary (08 October 2020) xls 851.5 KB Related file
UNC Data Dictionary Presentation (08 October 2020) pptx 2.95 MB Related file
UNCORM (08 October 2020) docx 205.75 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC 203 (25 September 2020) pdf 119.48 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 203 (10 September 2020) pdf 66.27 KB Related file
203.5 a) Data Dictionary Refresh - amended (15 September 2020) pdf 461.58 KB Related file
203.5 a) UNC Data Dictonary - amended (15 September 2020) xls 851.5 KB Related file
pdfUNCORM (09 September 2020) pdf 232.63 KB Related file
UNCC Minutes 202 (24 August 2020) pdf 136.08 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 202 (11 August 2020) pdf 66.95 KB Related file
202.4 a) Draft Class 1 Ratchet Charge Guidelines Document (11 August 2020) docx 27.64 KB Related file
02.4 b) UNC User Representative Appointment Process (11 August 2020) pdf 253.57 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 201 (amended) (24 August 2020) pdf 137.78 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 201 (amended - change marked) (24 August 2020) pdf 137.85 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 201 Amended (08 July 2020) pdf 111.7 KB Related file
201.4 b) UNCC PAC Voting pdf 307.58 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 200 (22 June 2020) pdf 143.98 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 200 (09 June 2020) pdf 111.79 KB Related file
200.4 a) Performance Assurance Report Register pdf 703.57 KB Related file
200.4 b) Performance Assurance Committee – Voting Arrangements (11 June 2020) pdf 215.37 KB Related file
Minutes UNCC Meeting 199 (26 May 20200 pdf 130.94 KB Related file
Agenda UNCC Meeting 199 (13 May 2020) pdf 66.07 KB Related file
199.4 a) Prevention of MN09 Exception (13 May 2020) pdf 432.49 KB Related file
199.5 a) UNC Election Process 2020/21 (for information only) (13 May 2020) pptx 125.59 KB Related file