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Invitation to participate in the RMTNTSEC auction for capacity period July 2023 (02 June 2023) pdf 81.39 KB Related file
Invitation to participate in the RMTISSEC auction for Capacity period August 2023 (28 June 2023) pdf 107.73 KB Related file
Invitation to participate in the RMTNTSEC auction for capacity period August 2023 (04th July 2023) pdf 70.34 KB Related file
Invitation to participate in the RMTISSEC auction for Capacity period September 2023 (27 July 2023) pdf 107.71 KB Related file
Rolling Monthly Trade and Transfer System Entry Capacity (RMTNTSEC) September 2023 (02 August 2023) pdf 81.69 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at October 2015 xls 167.5 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at May 2016 xlsx 107.62 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at November 2016 xlsx 107.59 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at May 2017 xlsx 109.95 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at November 2017 xlsx 109.09 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at May 2018 xlsx 526.78 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at November 2018 xlsx 508.41 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at May 2019 xlsx 657.49 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecast at November 2019 xlsx 506.63 KB Related file
NTS Long Term Revenue Forecasts at June 2020 xlsx 638.87 KB Related file
07 May 2013 NTS Charging Statement from February 2011 pdf 280.05 KB Related file
07 May 2013 NTS Charging Statement from April 2011 pdf 288.5 KB Related file
07 May 2013 NTS Charging Statement from October 2011 pdf 290.6 KB Related file
07 May 2013 NTS Charging Statement from April 2012 pdf 288.9 KB Related file
07 May 2013 NTS Charging Statement from October 2012 pdf 285.35 KB Related file
17 September 2013 NTS Charging Statement from April 2013 pdf 286.74 KB Related file
22 January 2014 NTS Charging Statement from October 2013 (amended) pdf 298.2 KB Related file
31 January 2014 NTS Charging Statement from February 2014 pdf 298.02 KB Related file
27 June 2014 NTS Charging Statement from April 2014 (amended) pdf 306.42 KB Related file
19 January 2015 Transportation Charging Statement from October 2014 (Amended) pdf 677.62 KB Related file
31 March 2015 NTS Charging Statement from April 2015 pdf 1.16 MB Related file
07 January 2016 NTS Transportation Charging Statement from October 2015 (amended) pdf 672.78 KB Related file
04 April 2016 NTS Charging Statement from April 2016 pdf 1.46 MB Related file
13 February 2017 The Statement of Gas Transmission Transportation Charges from 01 October 2016 (amended) pdf 672.41 KB Related file
29 September 2017 NTS Transportation Statement from April 2017 pdf 672.66 KB Related file
11 January 2018 NTS Transportation Statement from October 2017 pdf 584.98 KB Related file
27 March 2018 - NTS Transportation Statement from April 2018 pdf 598.7 KB Related file
17 January 2019 Transportation Statement October 2018 pdf 741.27 KB Related file
NTS Transportation Charging Statement from April 2019 (04 October 2019) pdf 752.37 KB Related file
NTS Transportation Charging Statement from October 2019 (16 January 2020) pdf 742.23 KB Related file
AUG Year Review 2023 Engage Response (30 June 2023) pdf 346.26 KB Related file
AUG Year Review 2023 Report (30 June 2023) pdf 127.41 KB Related file
AUG Year Review 2023 request (22 May 2023) pdf 160.05 KB Related file
Revised Final AUG Statement 2023-2024 (per MOD 0840) (25 April 2023) pdf 3.03 MB Related file
16 February 2017 UNC Workgroup Individual Terms of Reference pdf 87.64 KB Guidance Document
30 May 2017 Modification (change marked) pdf 295.81 KB Modification Report
30 May 2017 Modification pdf 230.95 KB Modification Report
02 June 2017 Workgroup Report pdf 248.85 KB Guidance Document
15 June 2017 Draft Modification Report pdf 250.33 KB Modification Report
15 June 2017 Consultation Response Template doc 62 KB Guidance Document
03 July 2017 Representation - British Gas Trading Ltd pdf 77.44 KB Consultation Response
07 July 2017 Representation - National Grid NTS pdf 38.53 KB Consultation Response
20 July 2017 Final Modification Report pdf 269.45 KB Modification Report
20 July 2017 Notice of Implementation pdf 54.22 KB Modification Report
Joint Office of Gas Transporters New Company Announcement Letter (15 April 2021) pdf 91.06 KB Related file