2019 Meetings

Joint Office Modification Panel meetings meetings during 2019

Panel Meeting Pre-Panel Briefing
17 January  Tuesday 14 January (13:00)
21 February  Tuesday 18 February (13:00)
21 March  Monday 18 March (13:00)
18 April  Monday 15 April (13:00)
16 May  Monday 13 May (13:00)
20 June  Monday 17 June (13:00)
18 July  Monday 15 July (13:00)
15 August  Monday 12 August (13:00)
19 September  Monday 16 September (13:00)
17 October  Monday 14 October (13:00)
21 November  Monday 18 November (13:00)
19 December  Monday 16 December (13:00)


Industry observers are welcome to attend Panel meetings by prior arrangement and subject to space availability. Please contact the Joint Office (see below) if you would like to attend any Panel meeting. Please also note that observers cannot participate in proceedings unless invited to do so by the Chair.


Correspondence relating to the Panel can be sent to enquiries@gasgovernance.co.uk, or telephone 0121 288 2107.