Ofgem Review Group on Energy Market Issues for Biomethane Projects

The purpose of the group was to provide a forum for informed debate on the potential barriers to the commercial development of biomethane projects within the energy market and the appropriate means of addressing such barriers. Participation within the group required members who were committed to providing resource to develop the evidence base and analysis.

The EMIB review group was convened to support the UK Government’s anaerobic digestion strategy and the related policy instruments, such as the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI).  DECC had indicated that the replacement of fossil natural gas with renewable natural gas from anaerobic digestion could contribute around 7 TWh/annum to the UK’s renewable energy targets for 2020. Therefore the identification and removal of any unnecessary barriers (regulatory or otherwise) was an important enabling step.  Ofgem was keen to facilitate debate on this important issue for gas market development, in support of Government and consistent with Ofgem's statutory duties in respect of promoting sustainable development and protecting consumers' interests. Ofgem's contribution, in addition to co-ordinating information and facilitating debate, was to provide advice to the group on how the current regulatory framework operated and what the effects of regulatory change might be.


This group is now closed.