Xoserve Funding, Governance and Ownership (FGO) Review

Xoserve’s Funding, Governance and Ownership (FGO) Programme was established to define and deliver a blueprint for the future funding and governance of Xoserve’s Central Data Services, in line with the FGO Review conclusions.


The Programme is now in the Development and Delivery phase, with a target operating model agreed and transition arrangements being defined.


The target implementation date is April 2017.


The Programme places high importance on ensuring that each stakeholder is kept fully informed of progress, providing them with key information which enables them to assess the impacts on their organisation, and ensuring that they have the opportunity to engage through consultations, industry meetings and other forums.


The dates of Workgroups and Programme Overview Board (POB) meetings have been scheduled until completion of the Programme and are listed below.  Workgroup topics rotate as agreed and are scheduled approximately one month in advance – details will be updated as they are available.  Workgroups take place at KPMG offices in Birmingham, while POBs take place at KPMG offices in London unless otherwise notified.


A discrete document repository has been created.  Please note that first time visitors will need to email FGOcentral@kpmg.co.uk  and request login details in order to gain access. Documents for FGO can then be accessed here: link