Performance Assurance Industry Engagement Session 21 September 2022

Start date:
21 Sep, 2022 - 11:00
End date:
21 Sep, 2022 - 14:00
Microsoft Teams
Meeting organiser:
Joint Office/PAFA
0121 288 2107



The Performance Assurance Committee (PAC) and the PAFA invites you to an industry engagement session on 21st September 2022 from 10am – 1pm. The event will take place on Microsoft Teams and will include the use of Slido,an interactive application accessible either through your browser or mobile phone,which will give you the ability to interact with the PAC and offer feedback on the regime in real time.

In order to register your attendance and receive your invitation,please email the Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) on

The agenda for the day will include an overview of the regime,‘How to stay off PAC's radar’ and will include your chance to ask questions to a Panel of PAC members,PAFA and Central Data Services Provider (CDSP) representatives to feedback in real time.

Agenda 10.00am – 1.00pm

Welcome to session

Overview of the Performance Assurance Regime

Who is the PAC,what does the regime want to achieve and why is the regime important to you?

PAC's focus for the next 12 months

A look at the five areas of focus over the next 12 months including UNC674V and how it will impact you.

How to stay off PAC's Radar

Actions you need to take,things to look out for and how the PAFA work,GPAP,training etc.

2021/22 Annual Review

A round up of the last 12 months of the regime,including performance stats and achievements.

Opportunity for feedback,Q&A and Panels (Slido)

Your opportunity to ask questions/provide feedback to a panel of Committee members,PAFA and the CDSP

Close of Session inc. outputs


If you have any questions about the engagement day or would like to register,please email the PAFA on the email address above. Feel free to forward to your colleagues who may also be interested in joining the session. Registration closes on Monday 19th September 2022.

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