Welcome to the 

Joint Office of Gas Transporters

Find Modifications and related information

We are the Code Administrator for the Uniform Network Code (UNC), which sets out the common transportation arrangements for Great Britain’s gas industry. 

Modification Register

A list of Modifications, with current status and next key date, can be found in our Modifications Register.

Network Code

From these pages you are able to access a full version of the Uniform Network Code (UNC).

Modification Panel

The Modification Panel is the body constituted under the Uniform Network Code to oversee the Modification process


The CACoP is a cross energy industry code document and aims to provide consistency in the approach and level of service associated with Codes modification processes. 


Modifications currently at the consultation stage.

Contact us & New Information

Get in touch and find information on our refreshed website.


To improve our service and better meet your expectations, we need and value your feedback. Please take the time to tell us whether there is anything you think we should do better.